I know structures of sentences but not for my novels

Communication, like any other leadership activity, should be based on good strategies. So, I am in the process of redesigning my writing. I need structures: plans and strategies that have proved its effectiveness. Or I need to improve on these.

It’s not language, but plans and strategies that work with the weakness or habits of people that produce effect, even persuasion. Or Plans and strategies for effective Persuasion creates leaders: Better vocabulary, Methods & structures esp convincing Logic as structure creates #LeadershipLanguage or #EffectiveLanguage.


Without the structure of sentences, what we talk wouldn’t make sense to others. Or we have to use structures that people are used to.

But is it enough that we use structures for sentences. Does bigger discources, like paragraphs, essay, story or novel, need structures? Is it this lack of structures that makes many people not even attempt to do anything but throw sentences? Story writing teaching always ask students to take popular stories and make changes to variables.

The question is: What action should we take to learn and use structures for discources?




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